Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Khoa has pneumonia. Not sure how the ER Doctor didn't know that, considering he's the one who ordered the chest x-rays and said they looked fine. Thank God that our family doctor took a look at them and called yesterday to tell us that he had pneumonia in one lung. I took Khoa to see our Dr. today and he changed his antibiotic and hopefully we will see some improvement soon. His fever hasn't broken yet. It's been running between 99 and 104 (with the Motrin). We are now alternating Motrin and Tylenol. Hopefully he will sleep thru the night. We've tried two different cough meds and they aren't really doing much. We are now trying Mucinex Cough for kids. He also now has diarrhea more than likely because of the antibiotic.

Erin took this picture of Khoa laying on the floor between our kitchen and dining room. I was making dinner and he plopped down on the rug and waited for me to finish. Poor baby. Please pray that Khoa will feel better soon. He feels terrible and it just breaks my heart.


Kelly said...

Oh no! I sure do hope that the new medicine makes him feel better asap. A sick child is just so hard! Thinking and praying for you guys.

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

Pneumonia?!?!?!?! Poor Khoa! I hope to hear he's better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry to hear this! I hope he is feeling better soon. It's SO HARD to see them struggle. :(

Anonymous said...

Poor Khoa, my heart is officially broken!!! I am so glad you have a diagnosis, for real, though! Hopefully now they can get him on some strong drugs and he'll feel his normal spunky self in no time!

Dianna said...

Poor baby! I hope the new medicine works soon. I hate to see little ones sick. Spend lots of time cuddling him - love is the best medicine.