I've been reminded by several folks that I need to update the blog, so here is a quick update. I thought that I would share some of Khoa's progress using his English. Here are a few phrases that we have found to be quite funny!
Mommy, my nose is coming out = runny nose.
Mom, whats tis? (as he points to his frank & beans) My peenee?
Yea ah did = Yes, I did
Spobby goo = Scooby Doo
I luf hew = I love you
Goplane = Air plane
Doobies = boobies (thanks Betsy! You are grounded...FOREVER)
ting ting = something
goggie = doggie
I see snore = I see more
dry hands? = he wants to wash his hands
Noonea = Narnia (he loves the "talking horse" who says "My name is Phillip")
Khoa was licking his lips and they were getting chapped. We told him to stop and -- His reply was "I can't stop"!
Mommy, see Khoa = Mommy, look at me!
There are a bunch more, but I just can't think of any right now.
Here is a video of Khoa that I took this evening. I thought it would be fun getting Khoa saying goodnight.....sorry that it is so dark, I obviously needed more light, but you can still hear his sweet voice just fine:
A few weeks ago Erin (our oldest) participated in the annual "Powder Puff" football game. Juniors vs. Seniors. She is a Junior. It didn't go that well. They got beat.....35 to ZIP!
Erin is right behind the line marker person. She is looking at the cheerleaders and is standing by the girl with black long sleeves. Hard to pick her out, I know! I didn't get any good shots! Loser Mom!
They all had fun and the cheerleaders were hilarious. Nice outfits guys! Those skirts will never be the same! A few days ago, Betsy and my Mom and I went for a walk at our local state park. We came upon this very funny looking bench and of course, Betsy had to pose. She's so funny!
We are all doing great and enjoying the fall weather. I will hopefully have some new pictures of at least Betsy and Khoa to post after this coming weekend. We are headed to KY for fall break. Erin has to stay home for swim practice. :-(
Please say a prayer for our friends who are in Vietnam right now adopting their baby girl. They have been told that they may not be ready to come home for at least another two weeks. They have already been in-country for 12 days. They have two precious boys waiting for them back home and they are missing them something awful. Please pray that somehow things would move much quicker than expected so that they can come home soon!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Family Update
Posted by ShellyW at 11:53 PM
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The video is so cute! I love Khoa's sweet voice!
We really enjoyed getting to meet your family and enjoy a Vietnamese dinner together. Our trip to Indiana was so fun!
We are definitely praying for Chris and Michelle, their boys, and for sweet little Gracie. I know they are eager to have their whole family together.
I love the video of Khoa. His little voice is so sweet...reminds me of my Ian. "my nose is coming out"....cracked me up. :)
'Doobies' - ha ha! Your girls are the greatest. And I had forgotten all about "powder puff" games. What fun!
Khoa is so sweet and so many of his words sound just like Sera. Especially "ah did" - Sera says this all the time, exactly this way. And the way he said "school" in the video is exactly how Sera says it too. Kind of a slurred "sch" in the beginning. It's so nice being able to watch Khoa grow and learn. Sera is napping right now but you can bet we will be watching the video again later today. I'll have to post some video of Sera too. Although I'm in the market for a new camera since mine is slowly dying on me. Once I get my hands on a new one I'll post a video for Khoa. :) Anyway, sorry to write a book. Thanks for the update and I'll keep your friends in my thoughts.
He is too cute! Thanks for the update!
Hey! I'm the girl with the long black sleeves. I feel so loved. lol j/k
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